The Diarrhea Study

Enterotoxigenic E. coli - Information for Patients

What kind of infection is it?

E. coli is a bacteria that normally lives in the intestines of most people and most types are harmless. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (or ETEC) is a special kind of E. coli that produces a toxin that causes watery diarrhea.

How do people get infected?

  1. ETEC infections are caused by exposure to food, ice, or water contaminated with human or animal waste.
  2. ETEC is common in developing and tropical countries and is often associated with travel.
  3. ETEC infections do occur in people who have not traveled recently.

What are the usual symptoms?

  1. Illness usually starts 1-3 days after exposure.
  2. Watery diarrhea, stomach pain, or cramps. Fever, headache, and vomiting can also occur.

How long does it last?

  1. Typically 3-4 days but may be longer.

How is it treated?

  1. Prevent dehydration by drinking fluids. For young children, use a rehydration solution such as Pedialyte® or Rehydralyte®. Even a few sips or spoonfuls at a time can help. Sometimes anti-nausea medicines or IV hydration may be necessary if you or your child cannot keep down any fluids. Warning signs of dehydration include dry mouth, decreased urination, or dizziness.
  2. Bismuth subsalycilate (Pepto-Bismol) for children 12 years and older can help.
  3. Antibiotics may shorten the duration of diarrhea for people with ETEC infection but often are not necessary.

Are there possible complications?

  1. Dehydration from fluid loss is the major complication.


  1. When traveling, you can help prevent ETEC infection by avoiding untreated water or ice made with untreated water, and eating cooked foods that are served hot.
  2. Wash hands carefully with soap and water after going to the bathroom or changing diapers, cleaning up vomit or stool.
  3. Clean contaminated surfaces and disinfect with bleach solution (5-25 tablespoons of household bleach per gallon of water).
  4. People with diarrhea should not prepare food.


  1. CDC Handout